Friday, November 16, 2012

Ancient Human Ancestors had Wings

I have reason to believe that at one point in human history, man had wings and had the ability to fly amongst the birds. Before you dismiss this topic immediately as nonsense, please continue to read below, conduct your own research and draw your own conclusions. Keep an open mind. Question everything.

Born to Fly

Since the beginning of our conceived time, man has always dreamed of flying. The invention of the airplane can attest to man's great efforts to achieve such abilities. Have you ever wondered why many of us have the inner-desire to to fly? - It is because ancient Man once had wings, and deep within our souls and bodies, is the innate desire to take flight just as our ancestors once did.

Ancient Human Ancestors had Wings

Human Ancient Ancestors had Wings

Ancient wall-carvings, drawings and statues depict Man as a creature who possessed wings like a bird. Ancient civilizations are known to have carved their history on the walls for future generations to learn about. These carvings suggest that our ancestors had wings!

Ancient Human Ancestors had Wings

Quantum science proves that our winged ancestors were also inter-dimensional beings. By using the flapping motion of their wings, they were not only able to fly through the sky, but could also fly across dimensions. Unlike modern man, who is restricted to the low-density 3rd dimension, our winged ancestors could travel between the 3rd, 4th, 5th, and 6th dimensional planes of existence; they did this by flapping their wings at a rate specific to a certain dimension's frequency, transferring them to the dimension of their choice.

Ancient Human Ancestors had Wings

Our winged ancestors were highly spiritual and very intelligent. Ancient writings such as the bible, the Sanskrit, and ancient scrolls referred to our ancestors as Angels or winged spirits.

Ancient Human Ancestors had Wings

Modern Man are Descendants of Angels

The big question is: SO WHAT HAPPENED TO OUR WINGS?! -- Well, A long time ago, our world was taken over by a malevolent race of entities who saw our winged ancestors as a threat. To diminish the threat, the evil entities manipulated our winged ancestors by giving them "gifts": These pretty and shiny material objects mesmerized our winged ancestors, which locked them into the low-density 3rd dimension. The evil entities continued to give them false gifts and eventually, our winged ancestors became so engulfed in the material world, that they had forgotten all of their spiritual knowledge. As a result, they lost their wings along with the ability to fly.

Ancient Human Ancestors had Wings

What we see today as modern man are descendants of these ex-angels. Unfortunately, our materialistic values have gotten worse, and our disconnection from our true selves is increasing as the "powers that be" continue to manipulate us.

Fortunately, not all of our winged ancestors fell for the evil force's tricks. The winged ancestors who survived the manipulation have secluded themselves in the higher dimensions and serve as Guardian Angels to those who are stuck in the 3rd dimension.

Ancient Human Ancestors had Wings

There have been countless sightings of guardian angels in our 3rd dimension. When people here in the 3rd dimension pass-away, they have the option to return to their roots in the higher dimensions to serve as Guardian Angels and Spirit Guides. Many of them may also choose to work as Cupid Warriors and Tooth Fairies. Due to their inter-dimensional nature, they have the ability to shrink, change form, and travel through time, space, and dimensions.

Ancient Human Ancestors had Wings

It is important to note that not all of mankind are descendants of these winged ancestors. Each ancient tribe and village has their own unique roots, which can be traced beyond the stars and dimensions. If you are somebody who loves to to fly on airplanes, if sky-diving and being airborne appeal to you, and if angels and guardian angels have a special place in your heart, then you are most likely related to the ancient winged-man.

It is possible that the majority of the Caucasian race are descendants of these ancient angel ancestors.

Skeleton of Human Winged-Ancestors Discovered!

In Russia, archaeologists had found the skeletal remains of what seems to be an angel. The skeleton resembled that of a modern-day human, but with the addition of wings. It is likely that these are the remains of one of our winged ancestors. May he/she rest in peace.

Ancient Human Ancestors had Wings

Furthermore, the fossilized remains of what appears to be a tiny winged-human were discovered. These are the remains of our ancient human winged ancestors who worked as cupid warriors and tooth fairies.

Ancient Human Ancestors had Wings

Also: Crop Circle suggests that Man's next "evolutionary" step involves the growth of wings!

Modern Man and the Flight Instinct

Despite the invention of the aircraft, man is still not satisfied. The idea of using an artificial means of aerial locomotion (airplanes) does not give the same feeling of freedom and mobility that our winged ancestors had. Ingrained within us, is the desire to re-grow our dormant wings and take flight into the wind. In order to achieve this, man has created several devices that actually resemble having wings attached to our backs, exactly as our ancestors did. The primal urge to fly like angels has driven man to make some impressive inventions:

Ancient Human Ancestors had Wings

We have a longing to get back in touch with our winged roots. Many of us have used body modification methods such as bodybuildng and tattoo art to literally grow wings on our backs.

Ancient Human Ancestors had Wings

Not So Far-Fetched, After All

If you consider the fact that some squirrels can fly, and that some lizards, fish and ants have wings, then who is to say that a branch of humans cannot have wings as well? The concept is not so far-fetched, after all.

Ancient Human Ancestors had Wings

The history of our ancient human winged ancestors have been suppressed by our governments because they know that if we awaken to our true potential and re-grow our wings, they will no longer be able to control and manipulate us. They are afraid. So I say to you: Spread your wings, and fly!


  1. i am revelation 12 wo to man for sin against woman ..skeatesy

    1. This must be a white person who wrote this to say white people were most likely to be descendents of the wing people. Everything came fromblack/darkness/melanin

    2. I agree Terry. Notice there was no reason give as to the logic behind Caucasians were most likely the descendants of these winged beings.

    3. you see this an example^ whites aint friendly with your prejudice selves thinking your superior, the controllers/manipulators of the gov are white, the scared ones. true angels are not like that. melanin people are more truly connected with the spirits & are born with more athletic abilities. take native tribes for 1 example.

    4. Terry Hunt: I'm not a "black" person but I see where it says "majority of Caucasian race". That sentence should not have been written. It messes up the whole writing. It's possible, I think, it's because of the location of where the supposed skeletons where found BUT it still doesn't make sense. He should have written, "It is possible that the human race is made up of descendants of these ancient angel ancestors."

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  2. cool. gona be hard to prove. but worth it

  3. Like. Very much like.

  4. One, Flying squirrels do not actually fly. They glide because of the 'folds of extra skin that can be found along the sides of their bodies'. They do not flap their arms and take off into the air. They have no wings. Two, lizards are the same way! They do not fly, the photograph in the far upper right hand corner is fake. Lizards do not fly, they glide by using 'folds of extra skin that can be found along the sides of their bodies'. Please, before you take information for granted check your sources. Three, the government would be able to control most of humanity whether we had wings or not. It is because in today's day and age most humans have the minds of sheep and will gladly follow any controlling person or persons because it makes their lives easier. If you are going to take the images of bodybuilders then please not that they have produced folds of skin along the sides of their bodies- not projecting from their backs like true wings. And the reason man have developed jet packs and ariel 'gliders' so that they attach to their back is because they cannot very well steer too well if it were in front of them could they?! And how the hell does shiny objects connect with losing our ability to fly? If we did truly lose our wings then it would be because we had no further use for them- not because some 'evil force' took them away. Another point is that in your supposed 'here's the evil force giving our ancestors evil gifts' image, please not that neither of our 'ancestors' have wings in the image. The Egyptians have never carved wings into their gods, and considering that they were a more literal people(what they saw is what they drew) then I'd say the chances of these particular people having wings is as low as it gets. Another thing, four of the main cultures had drawings and carvings that suggested a being with wings- and they are closely related. The rest of them either don't have them or depict them as the evil beings. Now, while it is true that Russian archeologists did in fact find a supposed winged being, there have been no others found anywhere near nor around the individual in question. Have you ever heard of mutations by any chance? Please, it is more probable that this individual have developed a mutation that gave it deformations on its back. If you notice the wings do not stretch beyond more than a foot in length and are rather irregularly shaped with unusual bone structure that fail to match in an identical pair. And before you say that it could have just been a poor mutated angel, please tell me where the other's of its kind are then? Our ancestor's were not angels. They were most likely influenced by beings not of this world- and perhaps not of this dimension- but angels I doubt they were. If it is ever proved that I am wrong, I will hand you over a million dollars my friend. Until then, please check your facts a lot better next time. Good day to you!

    1. this article really got me interested.
      I think they're right.

    2. i went through this because i was bored and his notions are probable, BUT and this is a big but i do not agree with the evil forces and i read what you said and just to make sure i did some research of my own and you my friend will 99.99R% change never ever have to pay up

    3. To be completely honest with everyone here o was born with wings surprise that I'm still alive tho thout shalt not perish from theis benovlence I shall take true pprosperity unto the land I may have been born with wings but they had to go caused to much trouble for me and my family I almost died from them getting removed it was removeing bone and a lot of blood loss oh I have pics of me when I had wings I also have the scars

    4. awesome!!!!! I want to fly!

    5. so what if the stinking squirrels don't fly.

    6. I SO WANT WINGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    8. They're lying. If someone had been born with wings, it would have been all over the news.
      Even if someone was born with wings, they would be useless. They wouldn't be big enough to fly.

    9. Stop it with the squirrels. I want wings is there a way to get them now?

    10. Can you prove you had wings? It is amazing!!!!! #soarlikeaneagle

    11. This comment has been removed by the author.

    12. I belieave because one of my ancesters bones were in one of the pictures above and keep having a family member seeing the spot wher wings grow and im exited i never give up and i never ever stop believing and there growing in but right now there tiny but getting bigger and i dont cair what people say i will never ever ever give my wings up so if someone is a decendent of one of ancient people with wings belieave and never give up your wings never ever give them up i mean it LITERALLY

    13. Okay. That is amazing. I understand. I wouldn't ever have mine removed.

    14. I love flying but i wasnt exactly born with wings i got them because unknown scientist that helps people like the group im in but we are always going somewhere so I don't get to meet people and the thing is i cant trust almost everyone but i love to fly so much

    15. I love flying but i wasnt exactly born with wings i got them because unknown scientist that helps people like the group im in but we are always going somewhere so I don't get to meet people and the thing is i cant trust almost everyone but i love to fly so much

    16. People need to stop being such downers. What is wrong with those people? To be honest i have wings and they do help me fly. It makes me feel bad that people can be so mean about it. I love to fly and i would never have mine removed.
      ~winged 12 year old
      P.S. My wings are beautiful

    17. Oh, I forgot I LOVE to fly it is a very freeing feeling. thanks very much.
      ~winged 12 year old

    18. So I'm not the only one???

    19. Damn take it easy flying in dreams is real, trees below you,flying up from danger that's in my dreams so even if we can't fly dreams give us the feel and experience we can Thank GOD

    20. I believe that could possibly be astro Projection are Spirit possibly leaves our body and comes back possibly

    21. I'm glad to know that there are people with wings still there. Mine have been trying to come in for months.I feel the pain everyday.a few months ago I felt like a phantom of them was there. But they Havant come in yet sadly.but this is besides the point that I wanted to talk name is dajia I'm 18. And I would like to tell everyone who has been freaking out about there wings not growing yet or people who want them of the most key parts is to stay as positive as you have to believe.I'm currently making my own spells at the moment.if anyone would like to talk my email is I'm on most everyday.use a key word of wing spirit.then I will get them. On some other notes.people must stop being such downers about everything.the world isn't how you think it is and you'll just have to live with that.we are a young race mentally.the evil beings in control of this universe have made this must stop being slaves.the time is coming for us to remember who we are.I am so sad to watch everything that goes on here.and most everyone is blind to it. We let evil people control us without giving it a second thought. We slaughter people for nothing.we torture our poor planet for nothing.we have given up fighting for what is right.I have seen people revel in pain misery and misgivings. I have seen people go out of there way just to hurt others.and I have seen others just stand and watch,join in,and turn away. There are few that stand up to it.but we are growing. It is time for all of this to stop.why is it so hard to believe that we once had wings? Why is it that instead of just accepting the truth of the universe around us you guys must put everything down? So that you can sleep better thinking that the world is the same naive place you thought it was before?everything is ever changing and is so vast and complex that we can't even comprehend it all in our present state.yes we did have wings.yes they were taken from us.and yes we are awakening much to the distress of the evil in the world.the earth is sick of all of this and isn't going to keep putting up with it. I wish the best for everyone in the years to come. But before I go I tell everyone to keep an open mind,live in love,and trust that everything will be OK.

      Sorry everyone for ranting like this. I having ranted for a long time.

  5. I often have dreams in which I can fly; which to some degree tells me that perhaps we once could.

    1. I often have dreams in which I can fly.

    2. Humans lust over what they do not have. We often dream about things that are impossible for us to have. Having dreams about something does not mean that it ever was, or will be true. In no degree does dreaming about flying tell you that your ancestors could once do it.

    3. I dream this also. I believe it is possible. I don't believe we have ancestors who did but anything is possible. I can't say it's impossible because 100 years ago the thought of a device that you can operate by touch and access the worlds information within a second almond with the ability to communicate anywhere in the world would be total nonsense. I believe it can be done or already has

    4. I don't need dreams. I just fly it is even better than a dream! I love it so much!

    5. It's interesting that all my dreams I'm flying with its to get away from danger or two just to travel from place to place and most of my dreams are full color and you can feel the same it's it's like being in a real world and then when you wake up it seems like that's the nightmare what's really going on it's fun to imagine though

  6. The entry for the 6th of June, the dream of flying is sub consciously real. I, too, have the dreams. So too, does my 10yr old grandson. He is taken by his guide astral flying. There are different experiences of this, on purpose. The whole reason is to stop copy cat experiences. To stop fraud. As for flesh and blood people flying, ever, I don`t subscribed to the prospect.

    Only spirit can give us wings. Once a guide has come to you, they may give you wings. Once we have passed away from this side, we become a spirit energy. With the knowledge of our maker, we can exist in different levels. The more innocent or of good intent a person is here, the better prospect the other side. No one can hide what they are or do from our maker. But, we are all loved.

    I practise Reiki. This alone, is remarkable by results.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Dear Macchoi,
    This article is not a nonsense neither the truth. I would like to share to you a little bit about my knowledge about this man with wings.

    1. Human Ancient Ancestor Had Wings
    This statement is totally wrong. The first human in this earth is Adam. He is created by our god, not being born or come from evolution. He is then sentenced to move and live in earth (which is exist long before him). This means there are possible for other creature exist before human.

    The men with wings is one of the races from Al-Hin which comes in many races (Neanderthals, Polip, etc). Each of them has different figure. To get a clear picture lets compare to Human. Human got many races (African, European, American, Asian, etc) but the difference between us is not much either by colour,eyes,hair, and etc. For Al-Hin, their races difference is too much. Polip has wings which is the men with wings that we talk here. I have no evidence about the Neanderthals but from Google, they have no wings and their bone structure nearly same as human. That’s why Darwin got the hypothesis that human comes from evolution of a monkey, which is totally wrong.

    2. Human Wing Ancestor Were Interdimentional Beings.
    Yes, its true. They still exist now but we cant see them because they exist in other dimension, but still in earth. You want to see them? Yes you can, by the permission of Allah.

    1. Allah wak bar brother god is great

    2. garden of Eden was on earth. adam was the first human being on earth. despite how old earth actually is, life on earth maybe existed about 7,000 years old.

    3. I'd what you mean. sorry I am young.

    4. Dude look at the proof it's all around you. Heat UFH have been on the news! (Unidentified Flying Human)

  9. No science found here... move along.

  10. I know that I used to have wings, we lost it and forgot about it. Honestly, we do have wings...and it feels really good to fly. I can't wait to get my wings back! They are real! :)

    1. meditate on it 20 mins a day, thinking about them growing (imagine colour and wingspan) worked for me :)

    2. Realy. Realy. Realy. Realy. Realy. Realy. Realy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! #soarlikeaneagle

    3. Lol I did that to get mine thx btw

    4. I do this to my friends, close your eyes hold out your index finger and say my finger tastes like (random food) and really believe in it and then stick your finger in your mouth. This only works because of some science crap.This also has to do with why people fear things because of a chemical or some more science and anatomy.

    5. Anonymous #1 lol
      does meditating actually work? I believe it could but...
      also, how long does it take? like 2-3 weeks or longer?
      last thing; if i meditate more than 20 mins a day, does that speed it up, or mess it up?

  11. Potential is trapped inside our DNA. The mind can control limbs to move, to jump and do a wide range of activity. A mind that is in tune with its vessel can not only execute physical muscular movement, but change features, things believe to be impossible. For example this may be inappropriate to share online but I personally changed my menstrual time from 6 days to 2. This is one example of the potential of the human mind, our controls are there, we just believe they are not usable. Additionally I've personally met people who have changed eye colors through meditation, removed scars and in fact grown wings. I do not lie as I say it is possible to re grow our wings. The potential is there, why not use it? I am yet 16 and have enlightened myself to possibility, don't be so stubborn.

    -speaking of government suppressing this, the organization is known as AWTOK.

    1. this makes me so happy to hear that people are figuring this out. hold on to this knowledge like a library to preserve it for future generations. it is special. someday we will all realize that we have infinite control and total dominion over physical matter as a collective.. then may the wings of peace and benevolence pervade over all of the universe! may all matter be transmuted to pure high vibrational bliss and love!!!!! spread your wings!!!! fly fly fly!!!!!

    2. Wow so you basically saying that only white people are desendents of winged people? Smh show me the DNA proof and last time I checked those people on that stone were babylonian not Caucasian so that would make them modern day iranians. Prick if your gonna do something ,do it right!!!

    3. Iranians are Caucasian.

    4. Well this might be a little confusing to some people not calling anybody stupid but the mind is infinitely moldable. So if we were to lose an arm our brain would slowly lose the internal map that had the arm. So if we were to get wings or another limb the mind would make a map of those body parts. And I think that you guys would understand cuz I understand and I'm only 12. It's a little science and I don't remember how I know but it is amazing and I would know that the mine would grow a new maps for extra limbs. I mean if anybody where they get extra lives like that I would be the one to know because I have extra. And I probably shouldn't be leaving a bunch of posts on this page revealing my secret but I know nobody is going to care enough to find out or even try. Because I have beautiful light brown wings that spread to be 13 and a half feet long. And I will fly across the sky sometimes. Because my brain learned how to control the wings to get them to move the right way. It is a really remarkable process. At first when I'm old enough to start practicing I was the worst, or maybe I was the best cuz I don't know if there's another person out there like me but anyway I was bad at flying and I would get a couple feet up and land on my face. But now I can get very high and stay up there for hours on end I don't very often because that would make me tired but you get the point I hope.
      ~Winged 12 year old

    5. Well this might be a little confusing to some people not calling anybody stupid but the mind is infinitely moldable. So if we were to lose an arm our brain would slowly lose the internal map that had the arm. So if we were to get wings or another limb the mind would make a map of those body parts. And I think that you guys would understand cuz I understand and I'm only 12. It's a little science and I don't remember how I know but it is amazing and I would know that the mine would grow a new maps for extra limbs. I mean if anybody where they get extra lives like that I would be the one to know because I have extra. And I probably shouldn't be leaving a bunch of posts on this page revealing my secret but I know nobody is going to care enough to find out or even try. Because I have beautiful light brown wings that spread to be 13 and a half feet long. And I will fly across the sky sometimes. Because my brain learned how to control the wings to get them to move the right way. It is a really remarkable process. At first when I'm old enough to start practicing I was the worst, or maybe I was the best cuz I don't know if there's another person out there like me but anyway I was bad at flying and I would get a couple feet up and land on my face. But now I can get very high and stay up there for hours on end I don't very often because that would make me tired but you get the point I hope.
      ~Winged 12 year old

    6. Sorry stupid tablet coped the first comment I do apologize.
      ~winged 12 year old

    7. I hope you are true friend.I assure you that there is no way the creators would give man dominion over the birds of the air if he could not fly or dominion over the fish if he could not move freely and with authority into the deep waters. To have authority dominion over something means you are above it in every way.I am an African and I have lived in Africa all my life. Those who colonised us came for land and wealth but little did they know that there were dark secrets buried deep within the people's. A kind of darkness that is so beautiful to behold especially to those who are born to mysteries. There are secrets that l can not share but believe it when I tell you that flying is not impossible. I will not give you detail how we do it here but for us we do not use wings.some people call us evil and claim we worship Satan just because we posses a knowledge which they do not have or which they are afraid of.they even call us "wachawi" or "juogi"meaning witches or them we are advice to you friend is to stay true to yourself and to your belief or practice. the moon is almost full we call her 'MOTHER' so wish me luck cause I'll be getting my 9th MARK. Bye friend. CALL ON THE EARTH,I CALL ON THE WATER, I CALL ON THE WIND AND FIRE TO SHARE.AS YOU STEP OUT INTO THE SHADOWS, MAY YOUR SPIRIT AND BODY BE FAIR.

    8. Tell you a secret anyway. You humans fear demons cause you are told they are evil. Not all demons are evil just as not all angels are good and holly. Some angels fell from grace right? We on the other hand welcome demons and form an agreement with them after all they need a body and we need knowledge and freedom. Remember, those who seek mysteries must be will to step out into the shadows for no mystery can be found in the light as in the light everything is seen and explained. Take the path of the stars and on your journey you will uncover mysteries that are beautiful to behold. I CALL ON THE EARTH, I CALL ON THE WATER, I CALL ON THE WIND AND AIR TO SHARE. AS YOU STEP OUT INTO THE SHADOWS LET YOUR SPIRIT AND BODY BE FAIR.

    9. i am a friend, and i was not meant to have wings, the scientists gave them to me, in a way.

    10. my friend is part demon and i like demons but be lucky your not someone with huge wings and having a demon side

    11. and some people saw my demon side and called me a monster that was two days ago i think there rude about saying that

    12. Diamond shadow and winged angel I would very much lime to talk with you guys.I'm always looking for new friends I can talk email is


  13. this is idiocy. look to science we can prove, not these idealic guesses. theyre "stabs in the dark" so to say. prove youre reaserch take two pills and call me in the morning.

  14. This is fucking ridiculous. There is no evidence, proof or logic behind any of this

    1. So let me guess another all this is a real and its just a bunch of baloney. I don't like the people like you that are saying this is not real and that it can't happen. Because I know for a fact that it can but if you come on this site again you're really going to see my other comments. I'm the one that has been mumbling on about how I can fly because I can and I just want people to know. In people saying that it can't happen makes me mad and kind of sad. Because I am living proof that I can and I'm sorry I can't tell you Who I am it's bad enough that I'm telling you I'm 12. If I could tell you safely I would trust me. This secret has been burning a hole into me and this is just one way to kind of get it out. While I can't tell you my name at least you know there's somebody out there that can prove this. And I know you're probably not believing me anyway so, once again I will say if you have any questions about my wings, I will answer them. So ask away as I've said before. But if nobody as I can't prove anything so don't call me a liar if you're not going to do your part and look and ask a question. I can't do my part in making you believe you don't do your part and tell me what to tell you. So don't just go around thinking that it's not real if you're not going to do anything about finding out! so where is the questions?
      ~ winged 12 year old

  15. when u say that not all are descendent of angels..i agree..and the descendent of angels are known as nephilims..but i have a different saying.what i know from my spiritual knowledge..angels do not own wings..they are energy that can only be seen under God's when u say ancient humans own wings,i don't think so...

  16. I stopped reading at "the tooth fairy is real"

    1. All I can say is why don't you belive. It is saddening that people don't belive. Come on people.
      ~ winged 12 year old

    2. Well i believe because it is not a lie I know this for a 100 % fact

  17. it's retarded the "wings" are nothing more then the edges of a coffin or sarcophagus

  18. Well, first, I'd like to know how to regrow wings. That'd be amazing.

  19. Hello Fellow Cat Lovers, My name is Desiree Dawn Claunts. I am an artist and would like to meet other cat lovers and biophiles of this univers. E-mail me at I also have a webpage where I draw Felinini. Here it is Merry Lat Christ-Mass to all and to all, God Bless the family of the enlightened ones. ^.^

    1. Oh I love cats, although sometimes if I open my wings that can scare them. But if I keep them close they are so nice. And yeah I know my favorite animal should be a bird but I love cats they're my favorite animal! It's a little weird because you know I have wings and a cat doesn't but they're so soft and fluffy and loving so that was a nice little comment to come up on specially in the comments of people that don't believe and the half glass empty people.
      ~Winged 12 year old

  20. you Americans are silly, Caucasian people are mutated black people, they couldn't have possibly survived on this planet? they were not meant to be here and they don't interact with nature, they would have went extinct/ asain professor proven this and white man agreed that's why they depend so heavily on man made stuff to live in this world..unlike those blacks, that's why the natives ( you know the ones who were 10x smarter and more spiritually connected than a albino modern american could ever be) prefer blacks over you.. and so does the rest of the world

    1. lmao yes
      that's why caucasians have survived for thousands of years
      if you're going to say something like that, prove it
      cite your fucking sources.

    2. So lmao,
      One don't come cuse on a site that little kids can see. They don't need to prove it because, I can humans can and do have wings. So you can just keep talking the way you are but I will know the truth. ask me any question I will answer within reason like about my wings! Which are a beautiful light brown, and are 13 and a half feet long. They're very soft and I love them with all my heart, so?
      ~ winged 12 year old

  21. Lol this is probably the most ridiculous thing I have ever seen.Humans had wings...umm no.People can fly if you push them off a cliff and that's about it.They flap their arms and fly...smack into the ground below.And then...then they die.Then their soul goes to either heaven or hell.Simple as that.

    1. You are being extremely rude. I just so happen to have wings and they do help me fly and you're making me mad. Just because you don't believe doesn't mean other people don't. You are putting them down and that is just not OK. And I dont flap my arms i flap my wings. So you believe what you want to I know the truth. You don't have to believe me as long as I know that it's true. So see the glass half empty kind of person that you are and I will continue being the glass half full. Just so you know my wings are beautiful and they do help me fly.
      ~ winged 12 year old

  22. our world is controlled

  23. Well the butterfly man crop circles reminds me of the tornado in Joplin Missouri, why you ask? Because in the tornado people witnessed "butterfly people" protecting them. Thus, I do believe this c:

  24. I believe this arcticle is true i have the strong urge to just fly with my own wings

    1. Good, good!!! I like that you're thinking this way. And I understand the urge to fly with ''your own wings" and I'm not trying to be rude with the quotation marks or anything I just thought they should be there. But I'm glad that you think like this so that you would not be a downer like other people. I'm glad that there are some people that do believe that is possible for a human to have wings. Because I want other people to share my beliefs and to explain myself I'm the one that has been leaving more than one comment on this page I just so happen to like it because I do have wings and some people are just being rude and glass half empty. And I know what you're probably thinking this person is crazy she's just lying but I'm not. To prove it if somebody asks winged angel a question about my wings I will answer it happily. But only if they address the question to winged angel. So any questions ask away.
      ~ wings 12 year old

  25. The crop circle was a major stretch lol

  26. Stop it with the nonsense what the heck does that even mean
    ~ winged 12 year old

    1. It means Shake My Head.

    2. well, thats just being stubborn.

  27. Okay just so everybody can get this. Ask me any question about my wings and I will answer. Just make sure its out to winged angel. And I know I've said this at least three other times but I need it to be out there. don't be a downer because you are only using one source and you don't believe it. So I will be a second source. And I hope I can make at least a couple of you stop being so half glass empty and ask a question. So you cannot be saying no no no until you ask A question.
    ~winged 12 year old

    1. There is a difference between believing and knowing. I not only believe but know this to be true. There are things and secrets that can never be aloud to see the light of day.magic and the supernatural are just science unexplained. I tell you the truth, the future has no place for unbelievers. There kind will have to be extinct for your race to evolve into something more perfect. I CALL ON THE EARTH,I CALL ON THE WATER, I CALL ON THE WIND AND FIRE TO SHARE. AS YOU STEP OUT INTO THE SHADOWS LET YOUR SPIRIT AND BODY BE FAIR.

    2. bad things are coming and the full demon me will show and it wont be pritty but it will help because if the present problem keeps up half of the worlds ordinary/normal humans will die and if it keeps up after that only people or people/demon or people/demon/winged humans will survive so we need to discus on how to prevent it

  28. If you want to know when and how I found out I have wings message me by email or Gmail.

  29. Well, what is your email or Gmail? I would really like to know! And if you really have wings that would be amazing!
    ~winged 12 year old

  30. My email is

  31. This comment has been removed by the author.

  32. Oh,
    That's good to know. I was wondering and I'll see if I can send you an email. I will be truly glad if you if you really do have wings. Sometimes I feel like I'm the only one. But is there somebody else like me I I think that they would understand me. Thank you so much.
    ~ Winged 12 year old

  33. hi me and my group have been flying to New York City and we are tired from having to fly in the sky so we stopped at Connecticut so we could get some rest so after we were all rested we were on our way back to my house so if you don't believe that people can have wings how about looking up at the sky while using binoculars and you'll spot us

  34. @Winged 12 Year Old.
    At first I thought you were simply joking. But I after reading a few of your comments I realized you're completely serious. Or at least trying to be. Its somewhat sad the lengths people will go to reinforce their own fantasies and to find reasons to believe in the things they want to believe. But that's just it. If they're honest with themselves, I mean truly honest, its not hard to realize that you are believing in these things for No other reason than because you WANT to believe in them.
    Not because there is proof, not because its true, not because it's logical or makes sense. No. Because you Want to. That's it. If you're truly 12 years old then maybe that's all it is; you're just young. But either way, telling people that you literally have wings growing out of your back is ridiculous. Its completely delusional and you don't really have any right to get angry at people for saying so because its nonsense.
    You do not have wings. You just don't. It has nothing to do with me being a "non-believer" or "closed-minded". Its just a fact. There are no wings growing out of your body. That is a lie and is completely false and you know that it is. (At least I hope so)
    I'd also advise looking up the actual definition of the word "Proof"
    Typing something out in the anonymous comment section of some website is not "Proof" of anything or even close. So no, sorry but you saying that you'll be happy to "Prove" that you have wings by answering people's questions about them proves nothing besides the fact that you are either very young, or extremely delusional. Or both. I truly hope you do not literally believe that you have wings growing out of yourself. Anyway I was just shocked to see how far this was going and felt like chiming in for whatever reason. Take it for what you will, or just hastily type out some nonsense about what a "downer" I am or whatever. Either one.
    But refusing to listen to or hear anything that disagrees with your fantasy "beliefs"...THAT is close-minded by definition. Have a good day

    1. One, I am not delusional and not lying. Yes I am young but the wings are already grown. I can fly so if you have a question please ask. So, Clarity I don't want you not to belive. I can fly and it is amazing and I was trying to say ask a question and I will answer as proof it is not a fantasy it is realty.
      And I have a right to be mad because I have wings, and I want to spread belief. I am sorry if you got offended by saying that ppl are being downers. I want you to belive me because I don't lie. You sound smart, but you have a small amount of belief.
      So please belive me. I am trying to mm inform you of the truths of the world. But you won't and I can already tell that. So you have a nice day to and if you have something to say than say than say it.

    2. OMG I can't believe you have wings can u prove it to all the non believers though?

    3. Srsly get a. Life!

    4. And she is not delusional! She is just stating facts. You may think this is fake but it is reality

    5. Thank you girl with wings. You are amazing. I am glad you belive me. It can be hard to have people be the way they are.
      ~winged 12 year old

  35. So don't be that way. I am getting a little mad and I do have a right to. Because I do have wings and I am completely serious. No joke no fantasy. Not lying not myself. It is not sad to spread the truth. I might be young but not at all a lier. And they are not "growing" they are GROWN! I was trying to say ask a question and I will answer as proof so sorry if you misunderstood. I am not refusing to listen to lies saying it is "not possible" because it is 100% possible and I just want you and other people to belive and find others with wings. There are people that are "close-minded and a downer or non-beliver" it is hard to hear all this stuff telling me I am not real and can't fly. I can and you should belive.

    1. You do have the right to be mad I support you :)

    2. Thank you for supporting me! It is really important that more people belive.

    3. You have every right to be mad I'm getting a little mad too. All these non believers are just stubborn.

    4. honestly, im not trying to be a jerk or put you down, but it's physically impossible. Even if one of your parents was somehow a bird. Even that would be impossible. The only way to have wings is to add a small amount of avian into an unborn embryo, and you cant have been experimented on, because modifications to an embryo as required with wings are not yet possible. Not enough is known about the embryo sequence of a bird to add it to a human embryo. Anyways, you can't just be born with wings... yet. It's just not possible and i'm sorry but it's the truth, don't get angry.

    5. i'm sorry, but there is to much science to back it up. It's obviously just a fake stunt. Trust me, I want to believe, and I would, but there is no chance you have wings. sorry, it's just the truth.

  36. This comment has been removed by the author.

  37. Replies
    1. wait, did you see me. because just dont tell anyone where if you did.

  38. This is real not fake so cut it out this is reality

  39. This comment has been removed by the author.

  40. Just a mere 3 hours ago I was surrounded by a group of men in white lab coats. I don't know who they are.

  41. Please belive. It is important. I don't understand why you people won't just belive the truth. It is stupid to just not accept the truth. And all of you exept a couple of people are just not accepting it! I don't even know why! Tell me why you don't belive!

  42. Oh no, the scientists. You have to be super careful. They will hurt you! Get away from them if you see them again.

    1. hi hows it going have you seen my friend and seen the scientist i think somethings up they havent been around me and they are after me im there number one target

  43. OMG thx for telling me

  44. Your welcome. Did they try to hurt you? And by the way, I belive you have wings.

    1. Yeah got a few scratches but I'm finr

    2. Ok. That's good. They can be mean. And they hurt me very badly last time I saw them. I am okay now. But it is dangerous.

  45. @Winged angel and the other people claiming to have wings--You want to know how you can prove to the rest of us you have wings? Post a picture or a video of them. If it's too dangerous, then fine, I understand. Just try to understand that, for people, seeing is often believing.

    About this article in general--Looks like a lot of hoopla to me. I'm sorry, but it just does.

    1. but its very dangerous mostly when im a target for the scientist if they see a part of the picture with my wings they'll find me somehow.

  46. Seriously, I wish I could. But I can't get caught.

  47. @ Winged 12 year old
    It's awesome that you have wings. One question though... how did you get them?

  48. I have had them since birth. I don't know exactly how I got them. But I have had them since I remember.

  49. Dear readers lol
    I may not post for a while do to a well scientist situation. They are coming after me up in the Colorado mountains. Don't worry about me I'm going to be fine.
    Sincerely, Girl With Wings

    1. hi i have had wings longer than almost anyone i know

    2. hi im happy that your one more in the group with wings well im the scientist number one target if they get me out of the way all other people with wings will be killed

  50. Ok. Be careful. I have been running/flying from them to. But I will always try to post comments.

  51. Oh and the person asking how did you get the wings. I know the question was not meant for me, but I want to provide proof.

    1. All right, so you say you can't post the picture...can't you use a photo editor to hide your face, skin, etc--any identifying features that aren't the wings? You could scramble, blur, change your skin tone and eye/hair color, stick a smiley face over your face...Also, you could take the picture in a plain white room to avoid an identifying background.

      Is there a reason you can't do these things? Even if you don't have a picture editor or camera/phone, they're easy to get, and you can also borrow a phone...or do you have a lack of friends?

    2. AFTER you've answered that(not before!), I have a few questions for you, since you seem so eager to answer them...

      -How the heck do your wings fit under your shirt? Or do you not wear one usually or cut the back out? Basically, how do you make your wings work with human clothing?

      -Have you heard of Maximum Ride, and if so, what do you think of it? (As in, is it real, was it well written, was it garbage, etc.)

      -What's your height-to-wingspan ratio?

      -How do you control them?

      -What else is different about you to allow you to actually fly? People are not aerodynamic, you know.

      -Tell me why scientists would come after you. Be serious.

      -Does anybody else know about these wings of yours? I mean somebody you know in person, not anybody on the internet.

      -Are you a guy or girl? I don't want to use the wrong pronoun referring to you XD

      -How does it feel? To fly, that is.

      -Are you actually capable of flapping flight, or is it more of a glide and swoop?

      -How do you take off? Do you just jump in the air, or do you run and flap like a bird?

      -Any other...peculiarities of yours besides wings?

      -Do you know anybody else with wings? Again, in person, not just on the internet. So Girl With Wings likely doesn't count.

  52. i will work on the picture. sorry if i cant get it up soon. for the questions i will answer now. i wear a cut shirt with a slightly baggy coat. maximum ride, i have seen it in a library, but have never read it. i will have to find out the height to wingspan later. but my wings are longer than i am tall. i just control them, i am not sure how to explain how. i can fly because of light bones and a very efficient heart.they come after me because they want to do tests to make more people like me. no i do not know other people like me. i am a girl. nobody know about my wings in person. it feels amazing to fly. i can fly with flapping and glide. i takes of by running sometimes. it is easier to jump off something though. i do not know of other thing that would be special about me.
    i hope that answers all of you questions, if you happen to think of more, comment what they are and i will answer. thank you.

    1. I do have some more questions, actually.

      -Cut shirt...cut as in how? Did you cut slits or cut the whole back out?

      -If nobody knows about your wings in person, and you say you've had them since birth...what about your parents and other family members, and anybody that was there when you were born? How can they not know?

      -When you say your wings are longer than you are tall, do you mean each individual wing is longer than you are tall, or their added length is longer than you are tall?

      -Not a question, really, but a suggestion. Light bones and an efficient heart are not enough. I'm sorry, but they aren't. There's got to be something else about you and the way you're built that allows you to be light enough to actually fly, especially if you're capable of flapping flight. Is there anybody with scientific ability you can trust enough to let them study you and find what else is different about you?

      -Have you considered telling anybody else? It might be safer if somebody else knows and can help you.

      -Are these scientists of yours supported by the government? If not, again, why not tell somebody, or even get it out on the news?

  53. ok, good questions.
    i cut slits into the back of the shirt. i dont really have a family. i got the wings from the scientists so i guess they do know. and the combined length is bigger than i am tall. well with the bones and heart, i dont know of anything else that help me fly. i have considered. and no they are not.

    1. -I thought you said you didn't really know how you got the wings? Here, I quote...
      "I have had them since birth. I don't know exactly how I got them. But I have had them since I remember."

      -Don't really have a family? Can you specify exactly what that means?

      -Slits? How big?

      -How do you feel towards scientists and adults in general?

      -If you've considered it, what are your reasons for not telling anybody?

  54. ok, i meant that i did not know how i got the wings from the scientists, but sorry if that was confusing. i dont know who my family is. i probably have a family, but i dont know there names, or where they are. the slits are about a foot i believe thats what it looks like when i cut them, but i cant really tell exactly. i dont have to stuff to measure with. i dont really like the scientists. and i dont really like adults. i cant tell if i can trust them honestly. and i dont tell people in person because of trust, i dont know if i can trust them. and if i cant trust them i dont know what they might do.

    1. -You definitely have a family, or at least parents and grandparents and so forth. You wouldn't exist if you didn't. So have you ever considered looking for them? Do you have any memories of them?

      -How the hey do the slits even work?!? How do you fold/unfold your wings with your shirt on, especially if they're as long as you claim. Quoting again...
      "Because I have beautiful light brown wings that spread to be 13 and a half feet long"
      "ask me any question I will answer within reason like about my wings! Which are a beautiful light brown, and are 13 and a half feet long."
      Assuming you were talking about the combined wingspan, those are still 6 3/4 foot wings!! How does that even work, even if we take a moment and assume that you are a giant for your age and gender?!? Women don't usually grow even to 6 feet, and even if you are somehow that tall, there's no way your back is that long!!

      -Have you ever heard that there's safety in numbers? Friends can help you in so many ways!

      -Why do you call yourself "Winged Angel"?

      -Are your wings bird wings or furry wings?

      -How do you live? I'm assuming you live on the run.

    2. hey nice to know you have wings too but if you want to know i just relax and shake and my wings spread out but i want to know are telling the truth about you having wings or not let me know

  55. i have thought of looking for my family, but i have no information about them, and dont know where to start looking for them. and for my wings to work they have to be about two times bigger than i am tall, but i am not that tall, they also have to make up for my weight. the slits are just so my wings are not squished between my shirt, and my back. i have heard of safety in numbers, but i have to know people for long enough first. i don't know why i call myself winged angel, i would like to have a real name, so if you think of one, can you tell me. they are bird wings. and yes, i live on the run. it is hard though.

  56. im back sorry i havent been posting a lot.... the scientests well they caught a good friend of mine i had to help.

  57. ive been needing to tell everyone the truth if anyone has a demon side message me at because the end times will happen in about a year or two and if anyone els that will talk to me and has wings message me we need to talk about what will happen to the earths population of ordinary/normal will go extinct but we human/winged human or human/demon/winged human will survive but we need to do it fast or the ones we care about will die in one or two years so hurry SO MESSAGE ME TO PREPARE FOR THE FUTURE AND SAVE PEOPLE i almost lost someone i cared about who saved me from almost falling down into a cliff because i was shot in my wings and she dove down grabed me brought me the a cave till they healed so if you think that people are not the cause well the people want to get rid of human/demons and human/demon/winged humans so ill like to tell everyone things are happening the end time is in one or two years so i will talk to anyone who cares and wants to help and find out how to prevent the terible things from happening hurry

    1. i dont have an email im gonna message you when i make one later though...

  58. i like releasing the what people call the monster side of me but its really the demon side of me actual demon side

  59. dana! your ok. i thought you were hurt i was worried.

  60. The small-brained apelike creatures lived in the area at least 1.75 million years ago, making them the first proven residents of Europe and Asia, says Lordkipanidze. The find has thrown into question the theory that the first hominids to disperse from Africa were homo erectus, a species with large brains and bodies approaching human size. I liked your blog, Take the time to visit the me and say that the change in design and meniu?

  61. When you say demon side what do you mean. And I wanted to tell everyone that I will still answer questions. if there is anything you still want to know.

  62. When I say demon side I mean that I am part demon and I show it when I get really mad

  63. This comment has been removed by the author.

  64. This comment has been removed by the author.

  65. Sorry Dana. I dont really know if i belive the whole "demon side" thing. I know its hard to say since most people probably dont belive me. But I know it is always a posibility. I sound like a glass half empty person right now. Im sorry. Whats it like to be part demon? and again, if there are anymore questions, ask. and i would like to know, do i have suporters out there? if so please comment so i know my efforts are not for nothing.
    ~Winged Angel

    1. I know not very many people do..... and this probably doesn't help anything, but I am a supporter :)

    2. thank you. i need supporters.
      ~Winged Angel

    3. Hi winged angel something's going on rite now there's been disaperences on people that support me and 148-352 have been missing since a few days ago and if they all go missiallthey will start getting all people like us gone but they are coming for me last so winged angel be cairfull and if you see anyone being suspicious make sure to be cairfull around them you'll never know if there someone you trust.

  66. Everyone there's something terrible going to happen in 40-48 days there is a a countdown if the clock hits zero it will mean that well its hard to describe it but everyone needs to protect themselves and there family and friends i have the countdown on my tablet but I can't stop it because it wasn't activated on my device so we need to come up with a plan to stop it if we don't it will mean many deaths will come we need to find the device that activated that mean if my group that disbanded come back together to help.

  67. Everyone there's something terrible going to happen in 40-48 days there is a a countdown if the clock hits zero it will mean that well its hard to describe it but everyone needs to protect themselves and there family and friends i have the countdown on my tablet but I can't stop it because it wasn't activated on my device so we need to come up with a plan to stop it if we don't it will mean many deaths will come we need to find the device that activated that mean if my group that disbanded come back together to help.

  68. Anyone who needs to talk message me at

  69. The time is now be prepared things in our world is gonna change get everything ready in the next 72 hours or normal time 3 days

  70. Have you ever actually read a book? anyone on this page? no? do you people actually know how to read? humans never had wings you stark raving lunatics. you all should be ashamed of yourselves for posting such nonsense. also its not quantum science that you are talking about that's called science fiction, you would know that if you had ever been in a library.

  71. All my believers, I would like to offer a place where you can ask me questions where you are not criticized. So I will tell you my gmail I have recently made. It is amd as for that last comment, if you this this is such nonsense, why are you reading it?
    ~ Winged Angel

  72. Hi we need to talk there's something big I need to tell you lets message eachother today or tomorrow

  73. Does everyone know what a purge is because its supposed to happen next year and it will grow slowly but 1,000 people are trying to start it

  74. Hello idiot writer, Just say it simply that we are bound inside material world, we have som task, duties, emotion, we have to perform that all with honestly, we have that knowledge in our ancient books we have to explore our inside.. Our mind. then we ill b able to lift ourselves from this material world..... That evil dark forces he's talkin bout,, are guilt, sorow, greed, anger, hate and all other bad things.. We can overcome... Ye we can

  75. It seems as if two things are happening. One. My website isn't working so feel free to email. And there have been a few relays to comments that I didn't post. Sorry. So. If there are any questions feel free to ask.
    ~winged angel

  76. Lol you guys all are retards ��

  77. First of all every body has different religions and cultures so you can just back off you butt-hole. Secondly, so much of our DNA and history itself is undiscovered so really, who's to say that at one time a certain tribe or something didn't have wings and they lost them not to a spirit, but themselves. I think that if there was a serem or if scientists could somehow reach our dna without killing us then they could try to unlock something that was lost in the past and is now dormant and awaken it like it was sleeping beauty. This could result in many errors and deaths and i also play fallout and the institute in that game so, i'm not to comfortable with this idea. Also way oh way oh way up in the comments there was a comment that said meditate for 20 minutes on a pair of wings, wingspan, size, colour, every detail, and see if it works. I encourage you to try this out.

    1. I actually did try this out, but sadly, it didnt work. It really upsets me because i do want wings.. more than anything but nothing works.

  78. hey.. is everyone ok? i dont see any 2018 posts..

  79. Yes, im okay. Thank you for the worry. I have been very busy latley. Running from people.
    But i am now 15 witch is exiting. i dont know my birthday exactly, but its in april somewhere.

  80. Also, if you want to talk or comment or anything to me, my email is . I will accept all questions, comments, ect. and please, keep hate off this website, instead email me.

  81. Also, Winged Angel, and Winged 12 year old (i mean, i assume you arent 12 anymore..) ive been here for the past 3 years. Iv'e gone by a few names here, but i think this is the one im going to stick with. Im 14 years old now, which means ive been here since i was 11. But anyway, enough ranting. I actually have a few questions. Im asking here, because i emailed the email provided above, but got no response.
    1) How does it feel to fly?
    2) The first time you remember flying, were you scared?
    3) Do you know where you were born, or maybe even when?
    4) How safe are you right now?
    5) Are you constantly in danger?

    1. It feels amazing to fly, it feels very free. I do not know where I was born/made. I know I was born/made about 15/16 years ago. I feel like I am pretty safe at this moment but I know that I am constantly in danger. And sorry about the email, Ive forgoten the Password again, it is the least of my problems most of the time. Best of luck to you all, lots of love.
      ~Winged Angel

  82. I fly too
    I would like to see if this is really a winged person or government official

    1. Wait, you can fly? How long have you been doing so?

    2. Im glad that there is another, ive been alone as of late. stay alive please. lots of love.
      ~ Winged Angel


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