Friday, November 23, 2012

The Dream World is the Real World

I believe that the dream world is just as real, if not, more real than this physical reality we are currently living in. Ever since my first lucid dreaming experience a while ago, my whole perspective on reality changed...

What is Real-ity?

Could it be, that the dream world we experience when having lucid dreams, is actually the real world? - Where we can manifest and materialize things at will; where we can fly and where anything is possible? - but "the powers that be" have somehow placed limitations on us, and what we think are lucid dreams, are glimpses of what is truly possible in "waking life"?

This reminds me of what ancient tribes and shamans talk about; they speak of androgynous humans from a long time ago who were able to do what one would be able to do in a lucid dream; whatever they thought of, would manifest and materialize instantly. They lived in a limitless reality.

The Illusion

How can reality be restricted by laws of physics, mathematical formulas, and geometric patterns that are so precise and consistent? - did somebody, or something program our current reality? What if we found a hack in the program? or un-installed it? - Would we become free from all its limitations and boundaries? Would the line between the dream world and the "waking world" disappear? Is our physical world just a programmed illusion?

Movies like The Matrix, Inception, Vanilla Sky, Waking Life, Paprika, and many others come to mind. Perhaps these works of fiction have some truth embedded within them...

Movies such as The Matrix, Inception, and Paprika could be based on truth.

In our "waking life", our consciousness and perception of reality is determined by what we have been taught to believe; our education system, our belief systems, and the media influence how we perceive our reality. When we are "asleep" and "dreaming", all of these programmed influences disappear, and we become uninhibited, free from all of our indoctrination, programming, and boundaries.

It's Time to Wake Up

It's like this physical world is a dream, and when we go to sleep, we wake up into the real world, which we perceive to be the dream world... and when we "wake up" from that world, we go back to sleep.

You can tell me a bunch of scientific bullshit about the way our brain works or whatever, but science has proven itself to be full of shit.

We're all asleep right now, and there are evil forces out there who intend on making sure we stay asleep... It's time for us to wake up and OPEN OUR EYES! - OUR REAL EYES! REALIZE!


  1. wtf are you smoking, bro?

    1. some really good weed :D

    2. Hopefully not the same thing you're smoking that drove you to write the socially acceptable and encouraged "wtf"

    3. I've woken up there. There were some pissed off people. They caught me and beat the fuck out of me. I woke up there again with a disfigured face and was sedated by a (doctor?) Woke up there again but was with a (guide?) She brought me to a (safe?) House. But I never woke up there again after that.

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  2. Replies
    1. Start off by questioning everything. Learn about and develop your spirituality; we all have it. It's just been oppressed and is now dormant. Read online about spirituality. Read books. Learn about the true nature of reality and the universe. This is only one step. It's one thing to know these things intellectually, but a whole other thing to experience it and live it. Learn to meditate. Meditation will put you on the path of re-awakening. It's not going to be easy, because our society has been designed to reject these kinds of things, in order to keep us all asleep. Don't listen to these people. Question these people. Question Everything.

    2. It also helps to get back in touch with nature. We've been brought up in an unnatural and artificial environment we call society. City life, industrialization, buildings with artificial lighting, etc, has disconnected us from nature. It's time to get back in touch with it. Weekend camping trips aren't enough. We must re-learn how mother earth works. Learn to plant your own crops. Grow your own flowers, trees, food, etc. Get involved with the growing process of mother earth. Observe animals. Learn some basic Sacred Geometry as well.

    3. I love your page and have been doing this "back to nature" thing for many years now. I have elevated intuition which helps me communicate with almost all forms of life and animals. I plant my own veggies when I can and starting to go Vegan.

  3. I KNOW you are right. I experienced this exact revelation myself, quite a few times. It didnt hit me at first though. It required me to continuously search and rediscover things for myself. I relearned what intuition was and WHY it became dormant.

    The truth will set you free. But youll never truly learn it from a book, class, teacher, or ancient scripture. It is within you, and that is where you must go to seek...HOWEVER, as messed up as this is gonna sound, you have to read and watch videos in order to figure this out, which is contrary to what i just said but that is the design of duality and its purpose is to cause confusion and seperation from this truth. Once you figure this out, learning becomes obsolete because you now have all the power and knowledge youll ever need, wherever, whenever, within you.

    1. well-said, my friend :)
      People have forgotten to look within themselves.

    2. You have to get thousands of likes on a single social media post for them to wake you up

    3. So true My friend. Meditation is defiantly the key though. I was raised in Christian family that raise eyebrow at mediation. But at the same time marvel at how i never get sick or stressed as they do so ofthen. Plus there are lots of spiritual benefits as well.

    4. I struggled since I can remember with reality, My dreams are extremely realistic and symbolic and influential... but there is so few that can truly guide you in understanding all this and learning about it... it's frustrating, my life is getting messed up more and more because of all this.

  4. You are correct. This is actually the dream world. The dream world is actually the real world. Life is but a dream. In any world (and there are many) Love is the answer.

    1. when you die you finally wake up in the dream world

  5. You all crazy :/

    1. How can you yourself dismiss something and to call it crazy because yoy simply do not understanf, what research have you done to prove that this is in fact crazy, you don't even onow whar reality is, and if you did do research you would know nothing is crazy, I think its time for people to wake up. Get it wake up? You're dreaming.

    2. Why is it your job to criticize another's point of view, vaguely tell them to do research, while trying to intellectually attack them, and you have no grammatical prowess or you possess a different alphabet than were all used to. Know this and this only. This person posting these things is FUCKING RETARDED, and they are only making it harder to find the grains of truth floating in a vast sea off bullshit that some call information. Read his other articles and you will know I speak the truth. So if that is what you're seeking, briefly surf his topic coverage and then do your own research. Now cross reference any notes you make with these so called "proofs" or "facts". Then ask yourself how does someone who says " Science is all bullshit" try to use a variation of Scientific method to get his points across, and then at the same time tell you that Ancient people were technologically advanced and they didn't need to use anything but there own thought to manifest or materialize what they wanted. All while stating that they are metaphysical(non material) beings of great intellect who exist on multdimensional planes and they somehow were so vibrationally attuned to the universe, that they murdered millions, sacrificed children, and plotted world domination. It's as contradictive as any fundamentalists religious views. Yes ducking crazy and I agree woththe one comment you rebuke more than anything otherwise posted on this site

    3. You Are What you are Searching For

    4. You Are What you are Searching For

  6. if it really happen,, can you say some name that already have waking up??

  7. I rebuke all of you sickos in the name if Jesus! Life is real people. Wake up to your purpose given to you by God.

    1. The dream world is the realm of god smart one

    2. I'm a Christian, and the stuff I believe, most of them will find crazy, etc. Why can't any Christian or Psychologist or any doctor explain the real truth behind my experiences and more?! I believe in rebuking things, but do you truly, really truly know and understand what it is? This is only one part I can point out, not out of ignorance or arrogance, just because I barely get anywhere with a teacher. I question everything, and so I can truly see!

    3. Absolutely. This is the ONLY honest way to live. Far too many people are stuck inside their tiny little box of conventional proven truths and never dare to venture outside of it through fear of what others may think of them.

      I live my life by questioning EVERYTHING to find my own truth. Science and education has no authority over me and my beliefs and it is incredibly liberating and far honest to live this way.

      We live in a world today where everyone is a walking cliche. Most people are just repeating what someone else has said and people walk around with these snippets of information thinking they have knowledge. If it wasn't so sad, it would be quite funny.

      My experience of society is it is a population of one mind that is locked into such a small perception of reality. Hardly anyone has ever had a single original thought in their entire life and it is such a shame because human beings are creative beings.

      A good example of what I'm saying... Not too long ago, I was having a conversation with someone about all different topics and the subject of Flat Earth came up. The person I was talking to just laughed at the idea and then made fun of the people who believe this conspiracy. The truth is, this person hadn't done a single bit of research on the topic, he simply made an instant judgement and dismissed the idea out of hand. He done this because it threatened his world view and whether he knows it or not, that instinctive reaction is born out of fear.

      I really do feel sorry for people who think this way because it is a brainwashed society mind - the mass mind that he is buying into. It's a manipulated mindset that keeps the brain locked into the logical region of his brain. Basically, the information doesn't align with current information so it must be wrong. Thinking this way is indoctrinated into people from a very early age.
      There's a level of arrogance to this way of thinking, or maybe it's just ignorance but it's based upon the assumption that all current information is correct. It's a MASSIVE assumption because we live within a reality that science can't explain so why on Earth would we assume anything?

      The funny thing is, my beliefs actually align with his in regards to the Flat Earth theory but my beliefs stem from HONESTY and FEARLESSNESS because when I first heard about this topic, I felt excited to learn something new so I done my own research on the topic. I certainly didn't judge the people who were promoting the idea. Eventually, I came to my own conclusion that the theory is wrong after considering all of the evidence I could find for both sides of the debate.

      I honestly believe, if everyone approached the world like I do with a completely open mind that is willing to accept ANY idea, no matter how fantastic it may sound, we would have far more truth in the world today.


      Anyway, that's just my opinion... find your own. HAHA xxx

  8. Wow...I've never been rebuked before.....I feel special now....thanks

  9. A lucid dream means that nothing at all is real. Often our dreams feel exactly like real life until we wake up and find out what we thought we were experiencing was actually just a dream. Chances are we are living in a simulation, if you believe that theory than you also agree that there could be many different simulations, it's quite possible that the simulation that I'm running on isn't the same simulation you are on, yet they are able to connect because whatever is running these simulations has superior advanced technology capable of doing so. Someday we will be able to simulate reality aka a simulation running a simulation..... Trippy

    1. Haha. That's already a movie, its called the Thirteenth Floor (1999).

  10. I have felt this way before but I've never known how to start waking up. I want to learn how, I just don't have the means to do so :/

  11. And when you die in a dream? why you still here, in the real world?

    1. I think you meant to say when we die in the real world, why is our physical form still here in the dream? Because if not, you didn't actually understand.

    2. Why must everything be spelled out and logical and literally taken. Dying has sooooo many meanings, look it up, it is really a lot. For me to give an example is pointless though... what is your reality then?

  12. you know about Penelope don't you?

  13. I would like to tell all of you that this is infact true and the dream world ismthis one and if you dont believe in magic other worlds or dimensions than I recommend that you stop reading stuff like this. From S.S.M.W.

  14. And another thing is some one asked "when you die in the dream world why are we alive the next day , or in the next night?" Its because first of all this worls and the other one are two seprete worlds and dimensions. Second of all its because in the other world (I dont like saying dream world) its full of second chances and amazing things that unfortunately we can't have here. Sad right? From S.S.M.W.

  15. our "conscious" mind is so distracted by the noise, chaos, visual stimuli: ( "i need to make money, i need to eat, i need to get laid, etc.") that only when it is shut down, as in sleep, can we "see" percieve other dimensions. this physical "reality" is real in the sense that we can touch it, interact with it, and perceive it. what is NOT real is the importance we give it.

  16. This world is a learning experience without which the uninhibited mind capable of infinite creation would be incoherent chaos, a hell beyond comprehension and without end. The answer is absolutely grounded in the use of science, a tool used in the process of understanding. The more you understand this world, the less prone you are to becoming mindless nothing in the other world.

  17. I love this! I believe it too. Something happens when I dream. I can't explain it. It feels like I have two lives, one here and one when I sleep. It scares me sometimes because I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that the astral world and the so called physical world ARE connected.

    1. The other world is just as scary as the real one. All is connected, to me that is a BIG reality.

  18. I love this! I believe it too. Something happens when I dream. I can't explain it. It feels like I have two lives, one here and one when I sleep. It scares me sometimes because I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that the astral world and the so called physical world ARE connected.

  19. Going to sleep now. I love realizing when I'm in a dream and being able to shape and connect more to that world. Wish it happened every night. Any tips? Sweet dreams.

  20. How would you be able to explain someone with a mental illnes such as schizophrenia?

    1. I actually have schizophrenia and the voice in my head is trying to convince me exactly this, hence why I'm on this page now. I googled this question out of curiosity and honestly a bit of desperation. My voice has convinced me that my dream world is my reality and all sorts of evil things that I can't control, only the voice can control, happen all the time, and it just taunts me by giving me little snippits of what's happening. Like "Go to your room!" "You don't care!" Like it controls everything including me. And when I go to sleep, it's like I'm waking up... except in a world like this one... except this one has become the dream. And I mean literally the dream. Like I can control it. And the dream world I can't control. I actually get very emotional and almost all my dreams are like lucid dreams... But I can't control them. And there is a constant voice that tells me I'm in hell in this world. Yeah it's really fucked up. Kind of correlates to this post, but kind of doesn't. My world correlates with a lot of different theories unfortunately, but I have been diagnosed and am currently being treated for paranoid schizophrenia and this is my explanation. Not sure if it is even on topic to what I was originally getting at, but the TV in the other room is yelling at me again so I need to stop talking about it. Have a great day!

    2. Schizophrenia is man made diagnosis from clin psych.I took clin psych in coll so I have some exper. This is how we as humans try to explain what we do not understand. Theories out there that it is we who are not sane but Schizophrenia is actual normal.we cannot see as much about what's out there as u can. U can see much more w more perception. Prob is controlling it. Can u do u have the will? Can u do this without listening to med mainstr advice. Without medication.ur seeing hearing multiple dimensions at one time. Ur in 2 world's maybe more. Either u fight it all ur life or embrace it

  21. Here is how I can realize that I'm dreaming:
    In a dream read something. It can be any written word (a book, a sign on the wall, any text) then read it again. If you are dreaming the words will be different every time. Keep reading it and when you realize that the words don't stay the same you will know your dreaming and can do anything you want. It helps to make a habit of it in real life as well (reading something more than once to see if the words change) that way you condition yourself to do it and will be more likely to do it in a dream.
    I'm serious though it really works.

  22. 20 years from now we will surely question our mind & reach a state of infinite mind with some strong effective weed that last for days, just like going in inception, lost in the limbo!

  23. 2 was ago I actually controlled my dream. Night before I took black Walnut husks supplement and oregano oil. Also I told myself mentally don't worry abt what time I wake up over and over. No worries abt tmrw. Then I went to bed during the night I actually controlled what I was doing. The secret is learning that this is a dream when u realize that u don't have to wake up but ur in a dream u can control this. So I kept going and going in the dream. I made it reality and changed how it went and dictated the events. First time I've done this.

  24. I actually heard another idea about how to cope with fears. It worked. When u are about to fear or have anxiety attcks instead of fighting it be in that moment. Tell ur body to have same reactions. Dare ur self to be anxious. Now ur body and subconscious will be intune.I'm scared. OK be scared. I'm scared of flying. OK bring up those emotions be In the plane in ur mind. Now that uveitis experienced it in ur mindoing sev times what is there to be scared about?

  25. Everything is real in this world from aliens which are fallen angels or demons to vampires the blood sucking demons big foot which is very real scary but real as well as mermaid. Government covers up a lot of things because if people know these things are real it would be hell. Speaking of that hell is very very real watch the voices from hell on YouTube it's scary and description is that it's like a lake that burns everlasting and never subside you have eternal worms that will crawl through your eyes and out of your mouth.good people who neglected god goes to hell so please seek Jesus seek the holy ghost regardless you live forever and it's your choice if you want to be relaxing in heaven or burning in hell forever. Learn about God and seek him please because the devil wants everyone to burn in hell with him but you can make the difference

    1. Finally someone who now what an alien is, p.s also fallen stars. True further on, true.

  26. Everything is real in this world from aliens which are fallen angels or demons to vampires the blood sucking demons big foot which is very real scary but real as well as mermaid. Government covers up a lot of things because if people know these things are real it would be hell. Speaking of that hell is very very real watch the voices from hell on YouTube it's scary and description is that it's like a lake that burns everlasting and never subside you have eternal worms that will crawl through your eyes and out of your mouth.good people who neglected god goes to hell so please seek Jesus seek the holy ghost regardless you live forever and it's your choice if you want to be relaxing in heaven or burning in hell forever. Learn about God and seek him please because the devil wants everyone to burn in hell with him but you can make the difference

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  28. Your thoughts are similar to mine. But this so called world seems to drag me back.. I am not sure how to go there again..

  29. it is rather curious that we often don't actually know when we are dreaming until we wake up. It makes me wonder if we're all dreaming now and simply haven't realized it,That is unless you have deduced that we are dreaming and your dream is now all the more lucid.

    I also see the "Physical" world to be interwoven with the dream world for a very simple reason. The very fact that you enter the "dream" world through the physical one via your own thoughts alone suggests that the dream and physical world are mere products of thought itself.

    Let me ask you this, what is "physical"? - it is the manifestation of energy in ever-changing different forms. who or what manifests these forms of energy into material reality?

    i would say God, consciousness, or thought itself. Basically in short summation i believe we are a thought(s) and our existence is merely and idea.

    To quote mark twain and the mysterious stranger - Life itself is only a vision, a dream, Nothing exists except empty space and you, and you are but a thought.

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